Did you make a Color Blindness Check on your Color Scheme?

There are many online tools which help you to choose an appropriate color scheme based on color theory. ColorJack is one of them. But not just anyone when you take color blindness into account. The creator put quite some effort into the tool to help you understand how a colorblind persons will perceive your chosen color scheme.

The most popular part of ColorJack is the Sphere application. Before I describe you all settings in detail and special adjustments concerning color blindness try it out yourself.

Besides all the settings for choosing your spectral colors according to different color theories and the possibility to set the base color spectrum you have the choice to choose between several different color vision deficiencies.

  • Dichromacy: Protanopia, Deuteranopia and Tritanopia.
  • Anomalous Trichromacy: Protanomaly, Deuteranomaly and Tritanomaly.
  • Monochromacy: Rod Monochromacy and Blue Cone Monochromacy.

The naming needs some further explanation because the labels in the Sphere tool are not well chosen. As for dichromacy which describes the circumstance, that a person has one type of color receptors missing, the correct names end with -opia and not as labeled in the tool with -opy.

The wordings Achromatopy and Achromatomaly used in the tool of ColorJack are also wrong. The correct names are either Rod Monochromacy or Achromatopsia for complete color blindness (absence of all color receptors) and on the other side, if you have only blue color receptors this is called Blue Cone Monochromacy.

Nevertheless the ColorJack Sphere application is a great tool to provide you some good information when you want to check your color scheme to work with any type of color blindness. It does not only show how your colors are perceived by somebody with a color vision deficiency but also shows the according color values. This gives you a hint on how color vision is different if you suffer from color blindness.