Oliver Sacks about Losing Color Vision

Murli of d’zynovation pointed out in a recent comment the book The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: And Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks. As being a neurologist he writes books as some kind of science novells. This particular book describes some clinical tales whereof one is about an architect and artist who loses his ability of color vision through a knock on his head.

As this description sounds very interesting to me and because I didn’t buy a book for quite a long time I just surfed over to Amazon and ordered the book. I’m looking forward to find out more about our protagonist exploring color blindness. I will post my impressions in a future article.

2 responses on “Oliver Sacks about Losing Color Vision

  1. Murli

    Daniel, I do hope you like the book. The cases he has written about simply amazed me. He is a medical scientist whose witings reveal that he is in close touch with his own humanity. He has also written a book about colorblindness called, “The Island of the Colorblind”. Regards. Murli

  2. Daniel Post author

    Thanks for the tips Murli. I heard about the other book as well and I hope there is sometime soon some more room in my allday life to read all those interesting books.